The Wait


The Wait
written and directed
Debra Cohen
with Bernard Ganeles and Meg Dunphy
Total Running Time: 3.33

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Two friends have scheduled to meet at 3PM. One person arrives on time and the other arrives .. late. How does it feel to wait and not know where the other person is? What do you do with yourself? What can go wrong?...

A peek behind the scenes.
My own experiences with waiting for others inspired me to the theme of "The Wait". The whole concept of 'parallel action' developed as I edited the film and "The Wait" owes a lot to the power of film editing. And talk about art imitating life! - the development of "The Wait" was fraught with all sorts of delays and challenges. Here's a few: One of the actors came so late to rehearsal that I thought he wasn't coming and the following week he canceled at the last minute. Meg Dunphy jumped into her role the day of the shoot while she was on her way somewhere else...

I filmed in front of the Vitamin Shoppe and the store management wasn't pleased [that's an understatement] that we were filming outside their store. Because of this I didn't get to flesh out the very ending of the film as I conceptualized it to be. (You can see a little bit of it in the 2nd rehearsal, the Rehearsal with Bernard and Bill.) I did one or two takes and had to accept what I had.

After completing "The Wait" I came to understand that I needed a music release for the music in the film. I set about to change the music originally used in the film and in so doing lost the background street noise but I had found a new piece of music that fit perfectly.

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Two Versions of The Wait

Music by Ini Kamoze

Music by Blaminack
'Blue Mountian Top Rock'


Rehearsal with Bill

Rehearsal with Bernard and Bill

My friend Bernard Ganeles passed away on January 7, 2021. I remembered his role in The Wait and wanted to share the film with his friends and relatives. Then I decided to also bring in the rehearsal from tape but only succeeded in doing so after battling some technical challenges.

In 2022 I decided to re-edit The Wait - to do more dynamic cutting in the buildup of the scene, and also to hold the actors' names longer in the credits. I started the re-edit but have not completed it due to a variety of challenges. I hope to be able to complete it.

Photos of Bernard


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