The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Traveling Museum - CD-ROM & Kiosk

Sister Irene Fugazy – Interview 10-26-2006 Interview

Passion for a Saint

Passion for a Saint - Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

I worked with Sister Irene Fugazy for 10 years on a Kiosk/Traveling Museum project. Her lifelong love has been for the Saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton, the foundress of the Sisters of Charity, and Sister Irene's passion has been to get Seton's story out to the world.

Sister Irene has now moved out of her office and "retired" at the age of 89. So the footage I have of the interview of her in her office can never be repeated as her office is no more.

I filmed this interview in October 2006. I started working on it afterwards but didn't complete it. I think that this Fall 2009, I will prep the video, and add a few cutaways.

Seeker to Saint

The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton CD-ROM/Kiosk was developed for the Sisters of Charity of New York and tells the full-life story about their foundress, the first native-born American Canonoized Saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton.

The CD-ROM-based kiosk features content from multiple sources - including videos, photos, art, prints and historic artifacts. The Seton kiosk is featured in The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Traveling Museum (, which also houses visuals, artifacts & DVD displays.

The narration on the CD-ROM was done by Rolland Smith and Mary Alice Williams. The CD-ROM has also been sold for home usage.

My Original Role - CD-ROM Authoring: In 1998 I designed & developed the Seton CD-ROM using Macromedia Director 6, incorporating Media Lab's Director X-tra AlphaMania for alpha-channel compositing which was used for a variety of graphics including 3-state push-buttons. Other software used on the project was Adobe AfterEffects/Photoshop/Premiere and QuickTime for Windows.

Input on the Aesthetics & Soundtrack - Gave a great deal of input on the graphical user interface - screened videos; and chose video segments and graphics for the project. Supplied the music soundtrack and selected the sound effects.

Backend programming - Programmed all the Lingo (Director's Scripting Language). Expanded video in Lingo through lower-level Windows MCI (Media Control Interface) layer calls.

Cleaned up bugs left by another developer. Have been responsible for all software enhancements including an 'Intro Button' for the Opening Screen. Created an automatic Kiosk Attraction Loop to cycle the kiosk's intro which calls attention to the kisok.

Managed all aesthetic video editing/DVD changes. On an ongoing basis, I supervise, test and give aesthetic input to the video editor to make aesthetic and time-sensitive edits to the film segments in the museum DVD's and CD-ROM/Kiosk.

Managed Kiosk Upgrade. We will be upgrading the kiosk to have a larger screen and newer technology. In order to do that, most of the graphics need to be rescanned and the project will be re-done. I will be managing this new phase. There will be a new kiosk for the museum and stand-alone kiosks at various sites.

Since its opening in New York's Staten Island Ferry Terminal in October of 1998, the museum has been housed in the library of The College of Mount Saint Vincent in the Bronx, NYC, and has traveled to many locations including: The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, St. Patrick's Cathedral, St. Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center in New York City, National Museum of Catholic Art & History and Seton Hall University as well as other venues.

A quote from Saint Elizabeth Seton, Foundress of The Sisters of Charity

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The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Traveling Museum

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Last modified June 2012.